I'm not sure I've ever really thought about being this far along. I've just always sort of imagined I'd be pregnant and then there would be a baby. The actual weeks and timing of things didn't really play into it all. But now that I Paxlet is indisputably full term, he can decide to show up any day now (but please wait until after today, I'll explain soon) and he should be perfectly fine. Or he can wait for another 5-ish or so weeks. I really do hope he'll decide to show on the sooner side, rather than later.
IF thoughts are rearing their ugly head again. I'm finding myself having little fear and worry pangs about going over 40 weeks. I know it has to do with the fact that I have read on other IF blogs of the increased dangers of going over 40 weeks. I just want my Paxlet here safe and sound!
Today is August first, the day Mr Siili and I finally got married 6 years ago. Love you, Sweets! Although, we have been together for 14 years now, of which, I have lived in Finland for 13 of those years. Wowzers, is all I can say!
Today is also the long awaited day that I am going to the Red Hot Chili Peppers in concert! OH! MY! GOODNESS! I have waited for years to see these guys in concert. This is also the reason I'm asking Paxlet to wait until at least tomorrow before he decides to show. I have enjoyed this band since some time soon after 1991 when Blood Sugar Sex Magik came out. (Quick calculation, that's over 20 years!!!)
Total Weight Loss/Gain: My scales said 83 kilos (182,6 pounds) again this morning.
Maternity Clothes: Still...
Stretch marks: Still none.
I video-Skyped with my family this week and they just loved seeing my big belly and especially my 'done' timer (outtie belly button). My stepmom, being who she is, couldn't stop commenting on how big my breasts are. Thanks, Stepmom. LOL. My poor little brother (19 years) and his girlfriend who were in the room.
Sleep: Sleep itself is still pretty good. The aches in my right hip, mostly, do wake me up at times, but thankfully it isn't much worse than that. I do seem to randomly wake up in the middle of the night (3am, 3:30am, 4am, 5 am). Sometimes it is to go pee and other times I just wake up. It doesn't seem to be at any one set time each time and I don't always wake up every night. So it doesn't seem to be that Paxlet is waking me up from movements, thus possibly establishing a routine that might happen once he's born.
Movement: As I've posted in past weeks, Paxlet is a wiggler. Monday, however, he was quite quiet and didn't move much. He did move, but not nearly as much as he normally does. It had me a bit worried. Thankfully his movements have picked up again and he's wiggling around, but still, I'm not sure if they are as much as previously. I know he is getting bigger with less room, so as long as I feel a decent amount of movement, I'm trying not to fully stress out. Thankfully I have a neuvola appointment this tomorrow.
Cravings/Aversions: None, bleh.
Gender: It's a boy!!
We still don't have any names picked out. We have a list of 5 or so names that we both agree on. Most of which can be easily pronounced in Finnish and English. Well, seeing that they are Finnish names, they had better be easily said in Finnish. We haven't even gotten anywhere near deciding on a middle name.
Symptoms: I don't think I have any new symptoms to add this week. The main ones I notice are:
clumsiness (I swear everything has a layer of butter on it).
swelling in ankles and fingers (OMG, my fingers look like little sausages),
pain in my lower abdomen if I walk to fast or rushed,
excess ear was (gross!), and
an achy lower back right on the sciatic area (only), which seems to bother me the most when I sweep or am standing too long or if I happen to twist, turn or twitch in just the wrong way.
What I miss: It is difficult to get used to not being able to move as fast or do as much as I am used to. I get sore and tired much more easily. I know this will last only for a while longer.
What I look forward to: RHCP this afternoon!! The weather has been all over the place this last week and so has the forecast. At the moment, it is looking quite promising!
Tomorrow is this week's neuvola appointment.
Saturday evening is my Skype, with video, baby shower party with my family and friends in the US. It'll be fun to see everyone (instead of just voice with my family). My family is so excited for Paxlet, I only wish my mom could meet him too.
Moods: I'm feeling quite well. Slowly getting more and more excited about the impending birth.
Milestones: Paxlet is the size of a (mini) watermelon! He weighs about 2700 grams. Paxlet is also the length of a rhubarb stem, which is about 44 cm (17,3 inches)
Medical concerns: I've been taking my iron tablet at a different time than my multi-vitamin pill. I hope that has helped and my hemoglobin has gone up.
Misc: Last night I had a weird dream. I tried to remember what happened in it, but I went back to sleep... I do know that there were robots in it and even a Dalek (from Doctor Who). I can't remember if some of the robots were chasing us or something, but I really needed to go pee, but I couldn't find a place to go, which is when I woke up realizing I really needed pee. LOL
My stepmom and sister prepared a box of gifts last month and sent it to me ahead of time for the baby shower on Saturday. I threw away the packing list without looking at it and hadn't touched the box except for to bring it home. When my stepmom, dad and I had our first Skype-video call earlier this week, they encouraged me to open the box and open the vacu-sealed packages so that they could air out and fluff up some before Saturday. On top of the box were two books my mom had bought for me (Natural BabyCare and Feed Me I'm Yours), and also my baby book. I had been asking my sister to please look for the book so I could have it and they never would mention it. Now I know why! I was born at 7:08pm, weighed 8 pounds (3 636 grams) and was 22.5 inches (57,2 centimeters) long. I weighed just a bit less than Mr Siili, but I was a bit longer than him. I'm pretty sure Paxlet will be around the same size we were, as all babies on my dad's side of the family are at least 8 pounds. Some of my cousins were much bigger than that too.
This week's bump pictures can be seen in the Paxlet Pictures tab.
36 weeks
35 weeks
34 weeks
33 weeks
32 weeks
31 weeks
30 weeks
29 weeks
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19 weeks
18 weeks
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14 weeks
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8 weeks
7 weeks