As for the neuvola visit yesterday, it was quite routine and standard. I was weighed, hemoglobin taken, urine sample given, heartbeat listened to, baby's position checked and we just discussed how I'm feeling, mentally and physically. Everything was right as it should be, except for the fact that I was at the appointment and not in the hospital giving birth. LOL
When I got home from the neuvola appointment, I had an invite letter from the hospital for next Monday at 9 am, if I don't go into labor before then, that is. At the appointment, I will most likely have an ultrasound along with the normal neuvola-type check up stuff. I'm not sure what else will happen there, but the paper's I've received said it will take 1-2 hours.
It's still just a waiting game.
Total Weight Loss/Gain: It seems I've lost an itty bit of weight this week. The neuvola nurse is attributing it to not as much swelling this week, which I do agree with as my ankles aren't nearly as swollen but, man oh man!, my fingers are as swollen as ever and painful (or at least uncomfortable) all day long.
Funny thing about getting weighed yesterday: As the neuvola nurse went to check my hemoglobin and urine sample, I hopped on the scales. The scales said I weighed 77.4 kilos, that's about 10 kilos less than last week! When the nurse came back in the room, I asked her if they scales are correct and should the screen be showing hyphens or zeros when I'm not standing on it. She said that my swelling must have gone down and that was the cause for the weight loss. With shock in my voice, I told her I can understand a couple of kilos, but not 10 kilos! The nurse then came over and turned the scales off and back on and when I hopped on this time, I'd only lost just under a kilo. Phew, much more logical results.
Sleep: Sleep is definitely not the easiest thing right now. I wake up much more often from having to go pee, just not being able to sleep, sore back and hips or for whatever other reason. In fact, this morning, I was awake from 5 am to 6:40 am. I just read some blogs on my phone until I could fall back asleep, but not before I came across one blog that had me giggling so hard I had tears in my eyes. I quickly crawled out of bed to go laugh (and pee) in the bathroom in hopes of not waking Mr Siili.
Movement: Except for about 12 hours yesterday (midnight-ish until mid-day), Paxlet is moving just as much as normal. Lots of painful one, two Taekwon-do kicks and jabs. Depending on what position his little bottom is in, sometimes my belly button sticks out and other times it doesn't.
Gender: It's a boy!!
Not sure if I've said this before or not, but we do have a few first names we like, but it is looking more and more like we'll wait until Paxlet is born before we choose a name. We still need to figure out a 2nd name though.
Symptoms: Sweating, swelling, hemorrhoids (these have only gotten worse and a bit annoying/irritated in the last couple of weeks), difficulty getting up from chairs & the bed and, as always, lots of trips to the bathroom.
I am still having quite a few Braxton Hicks, but still not always feeling them.
What I look forward to: Same as last week: I truly look forward to finding out what real labor contractions are like. And after that, I look forward to having Paxlet in my arms and finally deciding on a name by which we will call him.
Moods: This last week has seen me much more hormonal, moody and in tears a few times. It doesn't help that Mr Siili is a bit stressed about the arrival of the baby too.
Milestones: Paxlet is now the size of a pumpkin (according to one of the news letters I get)! He's approximately 3 600 grams (7 pounds 15 ounces).
Medical concerns: My hemoglobin is up to 113, from 99 a week ago (or was it two weeks ago?). In any case, this is a good thing.
Misc: I've tried many things to get labor started... Eating curry, acupressure points (I'm not going to pay for acupuncture, as Mr Siili doesn't believe in it and I can't justify spending the money on it), walks & picking mushrooms in the forest, some cleaning, washing laundry, baking, driving over a bumpy road (ugh), sauna, 4 hours of wandering around Ikea and nothing seems to work. Mr Siili isn't too keen on trying sex, as last time we tried it was "just too traumatic", as per his words.
My dad most likely won't be coming until sometime early November. I'm not sure how I feel about it. The dates for his visit have changed several times now and I'm sort of worried that it might end up being that he won't come at all. I understand all the reasons for him not coming earlier, but that doesn't stop the fear of him maybe not coming at all from cropping up. I really want him here, as I know no one else from my side of the family will be coming to visit any time soon, especially with my mom no longer around.
This week's bump pictures can be seen in the Paxlet Pictures tab.
I still haven't posted the 40 week picture, but it was taken.
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