Despite what others have been saying, Mr Siili and I think we've had pretty decent weather this summer. Today is an example of it, even if we do find it a bit too hot. It's only 27°C / 80°F, but that's hot for us.
Mr Siili and I took a slow (because I can't do fast these days) and leisurely 40 minute walk this afternoon. The sun was shining, there was a warm breeze and yet we were still as hot as can be during the walk. Even at the slow pace I was keeping us at.
Once we got home, we both headed to the shower to cool off. That helped some, but I think it just took some time for our bodies to cool themselves down while sitting on our deck, in the shade. Drinking water and eating a homemade juice-pop didn't hurt either.
The rest added Monday:
The whole afternoon, evening and night was muggy with 90% humidity. We just aren't used to that! LOL.
We did get some respite from the heat when a thunder and lightening storm blew through right over us, in the late afternoon, but that was short lived.
When I went to bed, I left the balcony door open in hopes of a little bit of breeze, even if it meant I might have to fight off some mosquitoes. At 2am I was woken up by more lightening and thunder. This is a first for me as I usually sleep right through it! The lightening was crazy! I can't remember the last time (if ever) I saw it flash that often and that many times in a row. Next thing we knew, the storm was directly overhead and Rusty had run up the stairs in a panic. Poor guy! I tried to snuggle and comfort him, but when the thunder would crack directly above us, it was just a bit too scary. Even I was a bit scared and I love thunder and lightening. (I was also a bit afraid to go pee, what if something were to happen? Not sure what might happen, but still!) Mr Siili came up stairs (he was sleeping downstairs because it was cooler) to check on Rusty. We closed all the windows and balcony door to try and dampen the noise. Or sort of worked. But it was a good thing we had closed them, as the wind and rain picked up soon after. The trees on the other side of the neighbors house were shaking and bending over something fierce. I even heard one of them crack. The rain came down all fast and hard, a corner of our yard flooded, for a while. We also saw more of the damage today when we went outside. Thankfully it was nothing major (that we saw). All in all, the storm lasted about an hour to an hour and half.
Today has been a bit less sunny, just as muggy and warm, but no lightening and thunder. I'm enjoying it. Although, I do hope the weather gets it all out of its system by Wednesday afternoon in time for the RHCP concert to start.