I'll be doing yet another long protocol, as I respond decently to the medications. The problem, the doctor said, seems to be with the quality of my eggs because of my endometriosis. *sigh* The doctor hopes, with the changes in medications this time around and also using ICSI, that things will work for us.
I started taking a nasal spray, Synarela*, yesterday. It is a "down-regulation" drug to stop my body from producing it's own ovulation stimulation hormones. The doctor said that if it was possible I should take one dose immediately (as soon as I went to get it) and the 2nd one when I went to bed. Well, I drove straight from the clinic to the pharmacy and took my first dose. Then in the evening, I was cleaning house, doing this and that and kept remembering to take the nose spray before I went to bed. By the time I actually crawled into bed, I totally forgot about the 2nd dose. DOH! But, since the doctor also said it was ok if I only took the one dose, I'm not worried, just a bit chagrined. Today's doses have gone off without a hitch. So far, I don't think this spray tastes nearly as bad as the Suprecur from IVF #2. I don't have to take it as often either! Only 2 times a day instead of four! Bonus!
During the wand ultrasound, we got a look at the endo-cyst on my left ovary. It is now 2mm, up from 1,7mm earlier this year. I have my fingers crossed that it doesn't get any bigger or I might need surgery before proceeding. At least that is what was threatened previously, although the doctor didn't say anything to that effect yesterday. I guess we'll see, right?
I need to go to the vampires again to have a bit of blood drawn. Some normal yearly IVF testing thing, that expired last month. Go figure! October 11, 2010 was the start of IVF round #1. Thankfully there is a lab right across the street from my work and I can be in and out of there in a short time.
My next appointment is in a week Friday. Hopefully AF cooperates and arrives on time (Wednesday), or I have to re-schedule for the following Monday. The doctor will check to see that my ovaries are taking a nap and that my lining has thinned or is thinning (not sure which it should be). Later in the cycle, I will be using Menopur again. Any other drugs, or the length of time I'll be using them and the doses, I have no clue about. I'll be told the info when it is time.
Retrieval and Transfer are scheduled for week 50 (week starting December 12th). I've already asked for that week off from work. I'll be using my last summer vacation days for it. If all goes well, we could be brining in our New Year with a bang!
That's it for now. Let's see where this cycle takes us!
*I Googled all sorts of things to find out exactly what Synarela does, which hormones it affects, etc. I started to copy/paste and type things out, but I've decided to delete it all. This just isn't a technical blog and I don't feel like turning it into one. If you want to know more precisely what GnRH, FSH, LH and so on and so forth, are and what they do, Google it for yourself. I found an IVF site that I quick liked.