Today I had a quick doctor's appointment. I was in with the doctor maybe 8 minutes total. At around 12 weeks of Paxlet's age (he'll be 19 weeks tomorrow), I started noticing some white-ish/yellow-ish discharge. It sometimes smells/smelled a bit, but nothing alarming. Also, I have had no other symptoms. No itching, fever, rash, bad smell, tenderness, etc. I wasn't too worried about it, but it was something different than what I am used to and what I've had before. So, I made an appointment to get it checked out. The doctor said all looks healthy and normal. If anything changes I'm to go back. I'm thinking this is just my 'new normal'.
After the doctor's appointment this morning, when Paxlet and I got home, I made some tapioca pudding. As soon as it was ready and in the fridge to cool, we left home again to go to our weekly Wednesday mom & kid group. Then, when we got home in the afternoon, I ate my half of the tapioca. (The box says one batch makes 6 1/2 cup servings.) I ate a bit of lunch, changed Paxlet's diaper, twice and played online a bit. I then decided that I had to eat the other half of the tapioca. I mean, I just couldn't stand the idea of Mr Siili eating it in front of me this evening and me not having any to eat. Plus, what he doesn't know (that I made tapioca) won't hurt him, right?! Bad me! LOL