This week's topic is: Waiting.
Looking back at my blog, I realized that I started my blog about 1 month before we started TTC, but I didn't start actively and more consistently posting until closer to the 2 year mark. (We've now just gone past the 3 year anniversary of TTC.) In essence, this entire blog has happened while I've been waiting and is about my journey of waiting to get pregnant (and hopefully have a baby in my arms some day).
Things haven't changed too much since my I started this blog or since I wrote the post I'm reminiscing about today. I'm still waiting for O, waiting for the elusive BFP, waiting for IF appointments and waiting for a baby. At least when I wrote that post, I was still in the happy-go-lucky stage of TTC. We weren't even 6 months into trying and we didn't have any clue that I have endometriosis. I had no worries and definitely no idea of what would be in store for us in the journey ahead. In many ways it would be easy and 'nice' if it could be like that now. If wishes were fishes... These days, the waiting is worse and my feelings of hope are less, more often than not. Especially on a down day like today.
On a lighter note, in my older post I mentioned that I had just received the book Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer from Santa, which I had been desperately waiting for. That wait is now long gone as I've read all the books in the series, twice. On the other hand, I'm now waiting for the first part of the Breaking Dawn movie to come out in theaters in just under 2 months! This wait is agonizing (in a fun school girl-like way)!