Finally this week, at 15 weeks, I have admitted to myself and I'm ready to admit to others that I actually have a bit of a bump. Up until this week, whenever someone would ask me if I was showing, I'd tell them "maybe a little bit, but only I notice it and it most just looks like I'm chubby". Not any more! I have a bit of a bump and I'm loving it! I can't wait for it to get bigger.
05 March 2012
Spirals and a bump
Spiral is what Mr Siili calls American Idol. He says he likes the sound of Spiral better than AI. I just laugh and now that I know what he's talking about, I call it Spiral too.
Finally this week, at 15 weeks, I have admitted to myself and I'm ready to admit to others that I actually have a bit of a bump. Up until this week, whenever someone would ask me if I was showing, I'd tell them "maybe a little bit, but only I notice it and it most just looks like I'm chubby". Not any more! I have a bit of a bump and I'm loving it! I can't wait for it to get bigger.
Finally this week, at 15 weeks, I have admitted to myself and I'm ready to admit to others that I actually have a bit of a bump. Up until this week, whenever someone would ask me if I was showing, I'd tell them "maybe a little bit, but only I notice it and it most just looks like I'm chubby". Not any more! I have a bit of a bump and I'm loving it! I can't wait for it to get bigger.