I'm starting to get to the stressed stage of traveling and I haven't even left home yet. Actually, I always get stressed just before traveling, it's once we're on the road or in the plane that I can finally calm down, because I know the plane can't leave without me if I'm in it. *big grin* I'm sure I'll start having travel-stress dreams soon. Anyone else have these types of dreams? I quite often have them when I'm visiting family in the US. I know we need to get to the airport in the morning, but I always have one last store I need to go to to buy that last item. Something happens and I'm late. Either there is a long line at the store, not everyone is where they should be, the traffic is horrendous or we just don't get to the airport on time. LOL I dream that sort of dream almost every time I'm going to travel. Thankfully none of that has happened in the waking world.
I've wanted to write more on my blog the last few days, but I just haven't felt like I had the time (see first paragraph) and I just haven't has much to say. Life is just life right now. I have had some time to do ICLW stuff, but not nearly as much as I should. I guess that needs to go on my list of things to do before I leave also.
I hope everyone is having a good ICLW. When I logged in today, I saw that I now have 30 people following me!! I truly find it too cool for words to have people following me. Thank you everyone!