28 May 2012

We're moved

It's be a long and exhausting weekend, but all of our stuff is in the new place. The old place has been cleaned and now it's time to get the new place clean and in order.
We had a great group of friends helping us move. We definitely would not have been able to do it without them. Mr Siili's organized-ness worked very well (and we both managed to work together very well with minimal bickering). Everyone was impressed that it only took about 5 hours to get the bulk if things moved on Saturday. Although we did do some minor moving Friday and Sunday.
We've slept in our new place 4 times, but only 2 nights. It doesn't quite feel like home yet, rather more like we are at a summer cottage, as Mr Siili said.
I'm very thankful to have this week off from work. I hope to get lots done around our place, but also find a bit of time to relax and sleep. Sleep especially. I'm so tired!
Right this instant I'm waiting to be called back for the diabetes test.
(Posted on the go from my phone.)