06 March 2010

Me + 2 cats = in Pori

My husband has been working almost round the clock the last couple of weeks to get his thesis written. The poor guy does his regular work during the day and then deals with me and the cats in the evening, waiting for us to go to bed, then he works all night long on his thesis. Quite often he is just only crawling into bed when I am waking up to go to work. He sleeps a few hours and then is back at it all over again.
He was even doing this while sick with the cold that I gave him. (I didn't try to!)

I know he is struggling, stressing and not getting enough sleep. But it is quite frustrating for me (and the cats too). :( We can't really exist in our home either because we are trying to tip toe around him so that we don't bug him. And I honestly am trying to stay out of his way and not bother him, but I also know that just by being in the apartment and existing is enough to bother him so he can't get anything done until I am asleep.
 So, this weekend, I've taken the cats and gone to Pori.

Tons of hugs to my Love. I hope he gets some things done this weekend.